May 1989

Current time:

May 1989 May 1989

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
先負 3/25 24.0 庚申 仏滅 3/26 25.0 辛酉 大安 3/27 26.0 壬戌 Constitution Memorial Day 赤口 3/28 27.0 癸亥 National holiday 先勝 3/29 28.0 甲子 Children's day 仏滅 4/1 -0.4 乙丑 大安 4/2 0.6 丙寅 赤口 4/3 1.6 丁卯
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
赤口 4/3 1.6 丁卯 先勝 4/4 2.6 戊辰 友引 4/5 3.6 己巳 先負 4/6 4.6 庚午 仏滅 4/7 5.6 辛未 大安 4/8 6.6 壬申 赤口 4/9 7.6 癸酉 先勝 4/10 8.6 甲戌
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
先勝 4/10 8.6 甲戌 友引 4/11 9.6 乙亥 先負 4/12 10.6 丙子 仏滅 4/13 11.6 丁丑 大安 4/14 12.6 戊寅 赤口 4/15 13.6 己卯 先勝 4/16 14.6 庚辰 友引 4/17 15.6 辛巳
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
友引 4/17 15.6 辛巳 先負 4/18 16.6 壬午 仏滅 4/19 17.6 癸未 大安 4/20 18.6 甲申 赤口 4/21 19.6 乙酉 先勝 4/22 20.6 丙戌 友引 4/23 21.6 丁亥 先負 4/24 22.6 戊子
28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4
先負 4/24 22.6 戊子 仏滅 4/25 23.6 己丑 大安 4/26 24.6 庚寅 赤口 4/27 25.6 辛卯 先勝 4/28 26.6 壬辰 友引 4/29 27.6 癸巳 先負 4/30 28.6 甲午 大安 5/1 0.3 乙未
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
大安 5/1 0.3 乙未 赤口 5/2 1.3 丙申 先勝 5/3 2.3 丁酉 友引 5/4 3.3 戊戌 先負 5/5 4.3 己亥 仏滅 5/6 5.3 庚子 大安 5/7 6.3 辛丑 赤口 5/8 7.3 壬寅
5/3  Constitution Memorial Day - To commemorate the enforcement of the Constitution of Japan, we expect the country to grow.
5/4  National holiday - When a "national holiday" falls on a Sunday, the day after that day that is not the closest "national holiday" shall be a holiday.
5/5  Children's day - We value the personality of children, strive for their happiness, and thank their mothers.